How Laser Tattoo Removal Works On Old vs. New Tattoos
If you're ready to erase an unwanted tattoo, laser tattoo removal may be the solution. At Main Street Medical Center & The Vue MediSpa in Crestview, FL, Dr. Joshua K. Kolmetz offers advanced tattoo removal services using the Harmony® XL PRO laser system. This state-of-the-art technology is designed to deliver better results with fewer treatments compared to other devices. Understanding how laser tattoo removal works on different types of tattoos — including the fact that older tattoos typically respond better to laser tattoo removal — can help set realistic expectations for your treatment results. Keep reading for more information about which kinds of tattoos laser removal works on, as well as how old vs. new tattoos respond to laser treatment.
How well does laser tattoo removal work?
Laser tattoo removal works by using targeted light energy to break down ink particles within the skin. Over time, the body's immune system removes these particles, gradually fading the tattoo. Several factors influence the success of laser tattoo removal, including:
- The strength of your immune system, as it plays a key role in getting rid of the ink
- Your overall health and lifestyle, including not smoking and maintaining a healthy diet
- The contrast between your skin tone and the tattoo ink, with higher contrast yielding better results
- The age of the tattoo, as older tattoos tend to respond more effectively to treatment
Dr. Josh and our team can evaluate your tattoo during a consultation to provide personalized recommendations and determine how these factors may impact your results.
Does laser tattoo removal work on old tattoos?
Older tattoos generally respond more readily to laser tattoo removal for several reasons. Over time, the ink particles in older tattoos naturally break down and migrate closer to the surface of the skin, making them easier to target with laser energy. The advanced technology of the Harmony XL PRO is particularly effective at addressing these ink particles, often requiring fewer treatments to achieve a satisfactory outcome. Additionally, older tattoos may have already faded due to sun exposure or natural skin aging, which can further enhance the effectiveness of laser treatment. Patients with older tattoos often see more significant fading after each session compared to those with newer tattoos.
Does laser tattoo removal work on new tattoos?
New tattoos can be more challenging to remove because their ink particles are denser and more vibrant. Fresh ink also tends to be deposited deeper into the skin, requiring more laser energy to break it apart. While the Harmony XL PRO is capable of treating newer tattoos, patients should expect to undergo additional sessions to achieve their desired results. It's also important to note that new tattoos should heal before undergoing laser tattoo removal. Attempting removal too soon can increase the risk of skin damage and compromise the healing process. Dr. Josh can advise you on the appropriate timeline for laser tattoo removal based on your unique case factors.
What color tattoo responds best to laser removal?
Generally speaking, black tattoos respond best to laser removal because the dark pigment absorbs the laser's energy more effectively, breaking down the ink particles for removal. This is due to the way black ink absorbs all wavelengths of light, making it the easiest color for the laser to target. Lighter colors, like yellow or white, and certain vibrant hues, such as green or blue, are more challenging to remove because they reflect or absorb laser wavelengths less efficiently. Our advanced laser technologies can address a broad range of colors, but black remains the most responsive for treatment.
What happens during laser tattoo removal?
Laser tattoo removal is performed as an outpatient procedure at our comfortable office. During your appointment, the Harmony XL PRO laser will deliver controlled pulses of light energy to the tattooed area. Patients often describe the sensation as similar to the snap of a rubber band. After the session, the treated skin may appear red or swollen, but these effects typically subside within a few days. Again, Dr. Josh and our caring team will monitor your response to each session throughout your course of treatment until you achieve the optimal level of tattoo fading possible.
Make your regrets fade away with laser tattoo removal in Crestview, FL
If you're ready to leave your unwanted tattoo in the past, contact Main Street Medical Center & The Vue MediSpa in Crestview, FL. Dr. Josh and our experienced team are proud to offer advanced laser tattoo removal services to individuals across Crestview, FL, as well as the surrounding areas of the North Florida panhandle. Schedule your consultation today to learn more about how laser tattoo removal can work for your tattoo — old or new.